Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Exodus 24 Outline

Lesson 8: Covenant Affirmation (Exodus 24)

A. Lesson Plan agenda
VII. Israel rejects a gracious invitation. (Ex 20:7-23)
VIII. Israel affirms the Covenant (Ex 24)
IX. God Instructs Moses on Worship (Ex 25-30)

B. Lesson outline:
Theme: God’s calls Israel into a Covenant relationship with Him.

1) Israel’s Representatives are Invited to Worship (24:1-8)
_a. (verses 1-2) Note the small party – compared to 19.13 (everyone!)
__i. Moses, alone, is to “draw near”
__ii. This is the result of Ex. 20 – the people withdrew…
__iii. But MOSES “drew near”

_b. (vv 3-8) Note the words of the people and the ritual of cleansing
__i. It’s similar to Exodus 19 (Affirm an intention, then prepare(
__ii. But it’s different. It’s a pledge of allegiance
__iii. Then they are cleansed in blood – not water.

2) Israel Affirms the Covenant (24:9-14)
_a. The Universal invitation has now become thoroughly representative
_b. The Priests, Elders, and Moses go up …
_c. And they see the God of Israel
_d. And they have a meal

3) Moses Goes Up Alone (24:15-18)
_a. This is sad. Only a small group of people approach God…
_b. Only Moses “draws near” to the presence of God…
_c. When it seems that God’s desire was for all of Israel to be near Him.
_d. It is sad…But look at this Grace. God gives a second chance a second invite.
_e. Look at the language of hope and renewal in these verses:
__i. V.16 – the cloud covered it six days…on the seventh…
__ii. V.18 – Moses was with God 40 days and 40 nights.
__iii. It’s a clean slate for Israel. Praise God he gives us a clean slate each day!

D. Notice in the Text:
1. Compare and Contrast Exodus 19: invitation, preparation, ascension.
2. The people respond in Exodus 24 with the same affirmation, “All that the Lord has said…”
3. The “All” in this instance is not the simple preparation of Ex 19, it refers to Exodus 21-23, the stipulations of right behavior.

E. Discussion starters:
1. Does Israel’s “second chance” for relationship and covenant give you hope in life?
2. The sacrifices that are offered are “young bulls,” a costly choice. Do you think of worship as costing you something? How much is worship worth to you?
3. Moses “goes it alone” at the end of this passage into a cloud of smoke and a “consuming fire.” Are these images typical of how you think of God’s presence? (See Hebrews 12:14-29)

Memory Verse: Hebrews 12:28-29