Thursday, May 15, 2008

Back to Evangelism 2

Genesis 3 and 4 give us the tragic results of what happened when man exercised his freedom of moral decision and chose to do what was right in his own eyes instead of choosing to be lovingly obedient to God.

First, we see that the humans are "enlightened" - their eyes are opened to a new reality. Next, we see that the humans have a different relationship with God. They are afraid of him. Then, we see the results of the decision. God explains the significance of the decision and pronounces judgment on the creature that tempted the humans to be disobedient in the first place. (This judgment speech in Genesis 3:14-15 is important - because it shows that this was not according to God's

If this were all the information that we had, it would be sad, but chapter 4 is very important in seeing the repercussions for human disobedience. We see in Genesis 4 the horrible result - the real curse that comes from disobedience: sub-human behavior. Cain, in premeditated, jealous rage, kills his brother. Now we see the problem. Humans were created to behave like God but, by choosing disobedience, they have introduced sub-godly and sub-human behavior: sin, murder. Instead of filling the earth with people who are lovingly obedient to God, the earth begins to be filled with rebellious, sinful people - the kind of people who will murder their own brothers. This becomes the legacy of man. But there is a plan in place...

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Back to Evangelism 1

So, let's do something with all of this! (You may have already thought this a number of times along the way now, but here we finally are.) Also, I'm going to make these shorter.

THE DATA, (part 1)
Let's start with the big picture, shall we?

God creates the universe and is pleased with the outcome. He is especially pleased to have made a creature as his representative and to have given that creature responsibilities. God has given these creatures the following responsibilities:
1) Care for the planet (dominion, if you will)
2) Care for the garden (to keep and to tend)
3) Care for God's Desire and Design.
This last point is the most intricate. First, God gives humans the task of filling the earth with their children. These children would be like them - in a perfect state of communion with God. Second, God gives the man especially the job of keeping and tending in the garden. (It is interesting to note that the terms for keeping and tending in the garden become later used in a religious sense in ancient Hebrew religion. One was to keep and tend to the Torah.) Third, God gives humans the opportunity to obey. He places an option before them - do what I say is right, or do what is right in your own eyes. In fine, the humans were to obey God lovingly and to fill the earth with those who were also lovingly obedient to him.

Imagine that, if you will - an earth covered with people who care for the planet and care for one another because they lovingly obey the Creator of all things. This was God's design for the world. But what went wrong?